Embalagem sofisticada de fatia de bolo

I've been so busy getting ready for teacher appreciation week, that I completely missed secretary's day (last week). The ladies in the office at our school are really awesome, so I made these slices of paper cake for them.
I just learned how to do this craft, and it is sooooo easy! You can use them for all kinds of things, too:
~Fill them with candy or small gifts
~Give them to teachers for teacher appreciation week (especially if your kids have 50 teachers)
~Give one to a girlfriend on her birthday
~Make a whole cake, filled with candy, and display on a cake stand for a birthday party.
Wanna learn how?
Get some cute scrap paper, and cut it to fit your printer. My Target Dollar Spot has a pack of scrap paper for $1.00. You won't go broke on this little gift.
Download this image. *Updated- I didn't realize my computer had flipped the image and resized it for me, and it wasn't printing right for some people. So I resized the image and rotated it for you. It should almost cover an entire 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper when it prints. The actual image size should be 9.91" height x 8.05 " width. Sorry if that drove anyone nuts.*
**I've updated this post again ... the image file changes sizes for some people so I've saved the file as a PDF and you can download the file here. This way, the file should print in the correct size. **

~Give them to teachers for teacher appreciation week (especially if your kids have 50 teachers)
~Give one to a girlfriend on her birthday
~Make a whole cake, filled with candy, and display on a cake stand for a birthday party.
Wanna learn how?
Get some cute scrap paper, and cut it to fit your printer. My Target Dollar Spot has a pack of scrap paper for $1.00. You won't go broke on this little gift.
Download this image. *Updated- I didn't realize my computer had flipped the image and resized it for me, and it wasn't printing right for some people. So I resized the image and rotated it for you. It should almost cover an entire 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper when it prints. The actual image size should be 9.91" height x 8.05 " width. Sorry if that drove anyone nuts.*
**I've updated this post again ... the image file changes sizes for some people so I've saved the file as a PDF and you can download the file here. This way, the file should print in the correct size. **
Print it, but make sure to print it on the side of the paper that is going to be inside the cake.
Fold along all the dotted lines, and then score the folds with a smooth surface. I use the handle of my scissors.

along the side. I like using glue sticks because you have a little time to adjust the paper before it dries. Do not glue the tabs at the fat end of the cake!

Attach the glued tabs like this.
Fill with candy (or whatever), and tuck the tab into the slot. If you like, you can glue on a flower, a ribbon or whatever embellishments you like.
If you would like to see some paper cake inspiration, you can go here, here,here and a bunch of cakes on this blog. If you're not crafty and you just want to buy one, go to this Etsy shop, or this Etsy shop. Their cakes are beautiful.
If you make one, stop by and tell me about it!
Que blog lindo e útil que achei , parabens....vou seguí-lo.....!!!!!!...amei...
ResponderExcluirOlá!!! achei a ideia legal.. fiz um do Batmam p/ meu filho e um rosa e marrom p/ minha sobrinha...kkk
ResponderExcluirMas achei lindo esse papel florido, onde comprar esse tipo de folha, pois na minha cidade ñ tem! posso comprar as folhas em algum site legal na net???
Katia Helena
o nome do papel é papel-cartão
ResponderExcluirVc pode encontrar caixa fatia de bolo pronto.
bom dia
ResponderExcluiroi, eu estou sembre acompanhando os trabalhos do sites,
acho genial e parabenize por os trabalhos que fazem para seus internaltas
Estou precisando da suas ajuda para preparar o aniversario de 1 aninho da minha filha.
preciso de um molde que nao encontro na internete, envio a voces o site http://www.behappy.com.br/behappy/Tamanho_Caixinhas.asp das caixinhas que gostaria de conseguir o moldes
Espero que voces vao poder me ajundar e me mandar o molde dessa caixa
agradenço muitos a voces.
obrigado mais uma vez por os bons trabalhos
Boa noite cristina! Coloquei uns moldes e explicações nova postagem moldes de caixa 2. Espero que tenha lhe ajudado. me deixa seu e-amil para tentar lhe ajudar melhor. Porque não entendi o que realmente vc está a procura de que tipo de caixa. Bj e muito obrigada por me seguir...